Announcing AdQuick + AppsFlyer Integration

Announcing AdQuick + AppsFlyer Integration

AdQuick, the leading platform for out-of-home (OOH) advertising, has announced its integration with AppsFlyer, a mobile measurement and marketing analytics platform. This integration will allow AdQuick users to send device IDs directly to AppsFlyer for app attribution, including key measurement events such as install, signup, and purchase.

For those who may be unfamiliar, attribution is the process of tracking a user's journey from the first touchpoint with an ad to the ultimate conversion. In other words, attribution helps advertisers understand which ads are driving the most value and which ones need improvement along the user journey. With this integration, AdQuick users can now optimize their OOH attribution process by sending events directly to the platform.

The benefits of this integration are clear. Advertisers can now reduce lag time and minimize export errors by sending data directly to AdQuick. Additionally, standardizing the data format can make it easier to analyze the data and gain insights. With this integration, advertisers no longer have to manually download and upload app events periodically to update the app attribution dashboard. Another benefit is intra-campaign measurement tracking with seamless integration - you can see results come in as OOH campaign progresses.

To set up events in AppsFlyer to send to the AdQuick destination, users can follow the steps outlined in this support article. The article outlines the process for setting up an integrated partner, configuring postback URLs, and selecting in-app events.

AdQuick's integration with AppsFlyer is a significant step forward for advertisers looking to refine their attribution process.

Happy attributing!